Check This Out!

Just wanted to make audiophile community aware, anyone looking for a DAC must check out Galle DAC from Cinnamon Audio. The feedback from two recent buyers was very inspiring and they bought the DAC after listening.

"The Galle DAC: we’ve crafted a DAC that delivers a natural, lush sound with remarkable dynamics and harmonic richness"

Cutting edge R2R, 27 bit ladder, laser cut the resistors to hit 0.1% tolerance; installed directly into the circuit board for a bargain price of $12,995

You can hear this DAC at Capitol Audio, courtesy @gestalt audio.


Agreed! I will just move forward without a switch. I had an opportunity to listen the Cinnamon Audio Galle streamer over the last two days in my rig. I currently own an Innuos Pulsar which is really fantastic. It turns out both are actually priced about the same at around $8000 MSRP.

The comparison was interesting. The Galle streamer was used with both Roon and a Jriver. I preferred Roon’s feel and features, but felt Jriver sounded a little better. Jriver was a little more buttoned up/refined sounding during complex passages and sounded a bit cleaner with less digital “edginess” if you will. Improved purity of signal is another way to put it. Not a huge difference, but discernible to those who really care about such things.

Comparing the Pulsar to the Galle streamer proved interesting. The differences were not anything approaching day and night. Both units are really first rate and so enjoyable. I had a slight preference for the Galle in my system. However, remember I have the matching Galle dac. The Galle offered a bit more overall clarity while the Pulsar had a tad more scale and stage size. The Galle sounded more intimate while the Pulsar was less immediate sounding with the presentation set back a bit more. The biggest difference to me was in this one area; at lower volume levels, 40-50db average, the Galle sounded a little more vibrant and impactful. This was not really noticeable as the volume was turned up however (60 -80db). I listen at lower volume levels often so this difference, in my particular system, can be important.

I am not sure this comparison would play out the same way in another system. This is the nature of audio where different systems and preference play a huge role on what one prefers. I have decided to buy the Galle as I like it as much as I my Pulsar and it is the natural mate to my Galle dac! 

 The biggest difference to me was in this one area; at lower volume levels, 40-50db average, the Galle sounded a little more vibrant and impactful. 

That's interesting. I wonder what it is that would be affect that? There is another thread going on where the listener can only listen at 50db, and he was looking for speaker recommendations, and I wondered if it was the speakers or the amp which caused lack of sound quality at lower SPL's, well maybe it is the source? 

Congratulations! Mates for life! 

@grannyring  Bill, I'd be interested in any comparison comments your may have between the Cinnamon DAC and the Tron Signature DAC that you had and really liked. I auditioned the Tron at Colin's , and while it was a couple of years back I still remember it. Since I largely spin CDs I went at that time with the Neodio Origine S2 CD player as I preferred its DAC's slightly smoother sound than that of the Tron. Anyway, I'd appreciate any thoughts you have between the Cinnamon and the Tron.

@facten The Tron really sounded good my system and we enjoyed it for a couple of years. Bottom line is the Galle is a very special piece that based on my listening experience transcends what I thought was possible from a dac. It delivers in spades on realism. No other piece of gear I have owned does realism at this level.
Yup, I am that over the moon with this piece. More muscular sounding than the Tron with a richness that is so engaging. You hear the resonate body of instruments that were previously missing or muted. I can honestly say one has to hear this in their system to fully grasp the experience it delivers.The Galle sorts out the simple and complex passages with an ease and flow that both captivates and relaxes you.

@facten You have an outstanding Neodio dac/cd player.  If you mostly spin CDs it is certainly a plus to have a great transport and dac built into the same piece.  No need for an extra power cord and digital cable.  Not sure how much streaming you would do?