Check This Out!

Just wanted to make audiophile community aware, anyone looking for a DAC must check out Galle DAC from Cinnamon Audio. The feedback from two recent buyers was very inspiring and they bought the DAC after listening.

"The Galle DAC: we’ve crafted a DAC that delivers a natural, lush sound with remarkable dynamics and harmonic richness"

Cutting edge R2R, 27 bit ladder, laser cut the resistors to hit 0.1% tolerance; installed directly into the circuit board for a bargain price of $12,995

You can hear this DAC at Capitol Audio, courtesy @gestalt audio.


Showing 10 responses by mclinnguy

LOL! His and hers, I totally agree! Make sure she doesn't feel left out!

I was going to say the phono stage kinda looks even more like a sink, as the tubes almost look like the faucet: 

I'm looking at pictures of what is labeled a DAC, and I'm thinking, is this a joke? 

When a PhD electrical engineer specializing in computing and fluid mechanics gets together with a guy with a masters in soil mechanics and they develop a DAC this is what it looks like wink Doesn't bother me at all; I like unique.


Don’t mean to nitpick, but the manual states "just short" of 2 billion micro farads.

"The Model II is the answer to a persisting question: what happens as power delivery approaches perfection?

The Model II physically separates the power supply, uses three custom transformers to feed three individual power channels, and employs just short of two thousand Farad of filtering capacitance. That is over two-hundred thousand times the usual values used for these voltages. While the care in implementation needs to be great, the result is a better, cleaner window into the music."


A Coda 16 has 280,000 micro farads of capacitance, and it supplies 100 amps of current-per channel. In bridged mode it provides 600 watts. Seems rather excessive for a DAC to need 7,000 times this amount, unless there is typo? But what do I know about designing hifi? (don’t answer that)


Looking forward to your impressions. The DAC's you have listed above would be on my list when I upgrade in a few years. 

Sorry to sidetrack the thread a wee bit, but I'll repeat the question @grannyring  asked in 2023, as I am curious to the answer as well: 

"Looking very nice! How much improvement did you hear by raising the Sons off the floor for more height? I know the LiveVibe products really help all sonic areas, but am specifically asking about stage height changes with the stands. "

Thanks for updating your system- nice to see pictures of it in a real environment. 

I am just waiting for someone to put on the top of a rack like yours, put a fake faucet above it, post it in a designer magazine and ask for comments about their $12K "high end sink"

Seriously though, I am jealous- enjoy! 

Maybe once the metal dust settles you may consider trying their network transport? Anyone heard this at Colin's? I assume he has it paired up with the DAC? 

I'm glad I don't have a turntable, or I might consider their phono stage. 

Perhaps others have a curiousity to hear it, hey @lalitk


I am happy with what I have, mainly curious what these Cinnamon guys have done as far as the streaming taking into account the good reviews of their converters, and how it may compare with other streamers. Yes it is just an endpoint; not a server, so I assume Cinnamon would suggest Jplay/Qobuz would be the best choice?

A few on the Antipodes forum have been playing with Jplay, I have read it sounds fantastic, but most feel Squeeze is still the best option for sound quality, and it is free. About 10% of the time when I want the best resolution and am in the mood to tolerate the horrible UI I take the 7-8 seconds and flip the streamer over to squeeze from Roon. But yes, I hear Jplay is much nicer UI wise. I am looking forward to Audirvana integration with Antipodes later this year (fingers crossed).

But I am open to anything in the future, I have been building a second system, and don’t have a digital front end yet. I probably will not get end-game equipment to start it up, maybe just a converter with renderer, but years down the road if at some point I hear the Cinnamon converter and I am as impressed as grannyring is I think it is only natural to try their endpoint with it- of course my core is already on the K50 so all I would need is an endpoint in the second system.

For sure if you hear this Cinnamon digital pairing let me/us know how it is! And especially with the Eufrodites! wink

 The biggest difference to me was in this one area; at lower volume levels, 40-50db average, the Galle sounded a little more vibrant and impactful. 

That's interesting. I wonder what it is that would be affect that? There is another thread going on where the listener can only listen at 50db, and he was looking for speaker recommendations, and I wondered if it was the speakers or the amp which caused lack of sound quality at lower SPL's, well maybe it is the source? 

Congratulations! Mates for life!