Changes to Orchestra tuning.

Berlin Philharmonic has just changed the tuning frequency from 445 to 443. Any ideas why?


Showing 3 responses by ptss

I have on my wall too :).  Bought from the Vancouver Symphony, long ago  :)

I've never heard an Oboe give the reference. Always the 1st Violin. Am I missing something?

@frogman. Very interesting re the oboe for tuning. I've often had season's subscriptions to Symphonies since the 70's.  Hundreds of concerts. Just goes to show my inattention :)  I've never paid attention until I've heard the 1st violin fire up. I'm always reading up or discussing the program. Perhaps the tones of the notes? Interesting to learn after all these years. Next visit I'll be paying attention! I hope. Thanks for your gentle information  :)   I guess the Oboe players will be working on their reeds :)