Thanks guys (and gals?)... interesting all this... I am or was tempted by the Room Lenses because I've moved house, and once again find myself with an acustically not so great room... I was spoiled by my last LR, which was fully treated with anechoic faom panels wherever necessary (including the cieling and some windows, even parts of the floor)... after much hard work I ended up with really excellent results, and probably the most significant improvement I ever experienced in the system. I'm trying to avoid going to such an extent this time as the place is not mine, but will probably have to get creative and do some free-standing panels (I was nuts enough to bring all the foam to France). I will also need to block out the noise of passing cars and revved to death 2-stroke scooters (ahh Europe!... fortunately this is compensated by the live music scene, which is the real deal). Anyway, thanks again... more opinions/info always welcome.