Cerious Technologies NEW Graphene Cables

Now, this is not a advertisement, just a posting sharing my experience on some well made great sounding cables at a very reasonable price. Besides, I don't think Cerious Technologies is set up for a big influx of cable orders.

But, if you get the chance to try these cables, please do.

I have been interested in the newer cables coming out that are using Graphene as a conductor. SR cables seemed interesting, but I always hated the way there cables had all those extra wires (with the active shields and such). I then noticed an ad early in I think November or December from Cerious Technologies for Graphene cables. I investigated how the cables were assembled and it seemed like quite a laborious process.

I ordered (with a 30 day money back guarantee) the balanced Graphene interconnects, and boy did they impress me. Such depth, soundstage, realism, frequency smoothness, effortless sound. I was truly impressed!  I now have a complete loom of the Cerious Technologies Graphene cables. That is; interconnects, speaker cables, digital cables and power cords.

I ended up selling all of my other cables and to those of you who have read my postings know that cables have always been my curiosity.

So, as I began this post, let me again iterate, I have no alliance to the company, my posting is for those of you looking for an great alternate high quality Graphene made cable without spending a fortune.


Showing 18 responses by mac48025

I'm looking forward to getting a "full Monty" of GE cables from Bob. This thread was instrumental in my decision, so thanks to all that have shared their experiences. I'm not replacing cables of the caliber of many here but they certainly aren't chopped liver. I have a mishmash of Decware Silver Reference, Groneberg Quattro Reference, Coincident Statement, PS Audio A10, Mapleshade Double Helix Plus and Duelund DTC16. I'm looking forward to hopefully getting the results of most here. 

BTW, anyone have any experience with the Cerious speakers? 
Thanks ozzy, 

I have a Decware Torii mk IV amp, PS Audio Perfectwave transport and DAC with Tekton Double Impact speakers. I do enjoy my system quite a bit, but I'm hoping to get the Coincident Frankensteins, Line Stage and Super Victory II speakers in the future. I heard that system and its exactly the sound I'm looking for. Why I couldn't have heard that system BEFORE purchasing all my gear last year? I'm hoping the new GE cables will get me closer to the live performance sound I like so that I can enjoy what I have for a while. 

Bob responded very promptly and sent my invoice immediately so I'm off to place my order now! 
Thanks Charles,

As a brownsfan he and I have another thing in common.....lousy local football franchises. Detroit here. At least we can derive enjoyment from music! 
Brownsfan, sorry if I missed this earlier in thread, but are you using GE cables with your Coincident system? I tried the Coincident Statement IC but it a tad bit of a harsh edge in my system. Sure they sound great in other systems. I'm hoping the GE interconnects and speaker cables will fit in just right with my components.

Lastly, Bob has been a real joy to deal with and has been very prompt in responding to emails and processing my order. His shipping time is unreal, when I asked if he was going to ship my order within the order he responded saying it was already shipped the day before I placed my order. Now THAT'S service! ;) Gotta love his sense of humor. 
My Graphene Extreme speaker cables arrived today and while I'm usually reluctant to share initial listening impressions I have to say I'm VERY pleased with what I'm hearing right out of the box. A very natural presentation with detailed and extended highs, a wider soundstage than I previously had and good bass, but something tells me there's more to come in that department. Actually, I'm sure there's more to come all around. I was hoping to comment about the IC's also but I recieved XLR instead of single ended.....the nerve of Bob! Most likely I screwed up when ordering, but we need not tell Bob that :) Lastly, Bob is great to work with. Very patient in answering all of my question, very communicative and prompt in fulfilling and shipping my order........although the Super Bowl caused a delay in shipping. The NFL owes me! I'll be ordering more from Bob and would highly recommend him and his products to anyone. 
I thought it was Graphene in the cables, not snake oil. Shows what I know! :) Whatever it is, the speaker cables are the best sounding I've ever owned and they only have about 40 hours on them. My IC's arrive tomorrow. Can't recommend Bob or his products enough. 
I can't wait to add the GE power cords to my system. The speaker cables are amazing and the new IC's have made things better yet. With my old cables I was experiencing some upper end glare that grated upon me like the proverbial finger nails across a chalk board. Somehow Bobs cables have eliminated that glare ( except on a few recordings that were probably recorded too "hot") without any loss in detail.......actually there's even more detail. I very much like their natural, organic sounds as it just sounds "right" to me. If the power cords make any further improvements I'll be very happy indeed. 
t_ramey you described what I'm hearing from the GE speaker cables and interconnects perfectly. Removal of the harsh grunge was the biggest improvement for me as that really grates on my nerves. Lower noise floor, increased detail and musicality....ditto. Better tonal balance for me also. I still need to switch over to GE power cords.....all in due time. I will say the speaker cables offered a much bigger improvement than the IC's for me. Maybe that's due to the fact that I added them first? I'm hoping the PC's take things up another notch, that would be sweet! 
I take my shirt off and I'll scare more than the newbies away.......one glance in the mirror scares the living daylights out of me!
Surely you can't be Cerious about trying these cables. I know, you are serious. And don't call you Shirley :)

The interconnects are quite flexible and the cable is about 3/8" diameter. Hope that helps you Gary.
Sometimes you don't realize what you have until it's gone. After only three weeks I've really fallen in love with the effortless musical sound the GE speaker cables bring to my system. I ordered some Duelund DTC 16ga speaker wire for my second system and for the hell of it tried it on my main system instead of the GE speaker cables. Let me start off by saying the Duelund wire is quite good and an amazing bargain. After a few hours of listening with the Duelund wire I was yearning for my GE's. I wish I possessed the verbage to properly describe the musical qualities of the GE cables, but the best I can do is to say they sound right.....real.....alive.....in my system. Other than investing in a dedicated listening room with proper acoustical treatments the GE cables have been the best non-component investment I've made. The SR black fuses would be next. Does that make me a graphenaholic? 
While I don't care how GE cables obtain their great sound, I find the scientific information quite interesting. I particularly applaud Al's non-condescending and non-combative approach to explaining the technical aspects of audio. All this talk of electrons and photons is above my head but I'm starting to get the grasp of it. I should have paid more attention in my physics classes! So while I may never fully understand the science behind my audio equipment, I will continue to enjoy the fruits of their scientific achievement.......beautiful music. 
Lol Charles, I knew it was Al. And I agree, he's quite an asset to the site.

Good insight klh007.  Funny you mention Mapleshades wire as I had their Double Helix Plus speaker wires at the same time I recieved my GE cables. I really liked the Mapleshades and I hated sending them back but the GE were more to my liking. There's something special about the GE cables that's difficult to describe. They sound "right " to me......the right balance of warmth, detail, dynamics, tone and great imaging. 

while much of the discussion of photons and electrons might be over my head I look forward to reading more off what you, Al, Bob and others have to share on the subject. Call me an audio geek for wanting to learn more! 

Great einstein quote.....if only my knowledge equaled my imagination!
Heres another....

" The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing." - A. Einstein
With all seriousness the Cerious GE cables are not only the best cables I've ever owned but are one of the best audio values to boot. I couldn't be happier with them and I send a huge thanks out to all those here that shared heir experiences with these cables that led me to purchasing them. I MIGHT have paid some heed to the very few negative comments had they actually heard the cables they mock, but all they did was make me question their true motives. 
Thanks for sharing that bg1968. In my discussions with Bob it quickly became apparent that he is very intelligent and passionate about acoustics but I had no idea just how gifted and accomplished he is. While his cables speak for themselves and are above reproach his life accomplishments are even more impressive. It only demonstrates further just how immature and pathetic ptss and his rants are. I have no problems with anyone not liking a product or questioning their marketing claims but such vitriolic and unsubstantiated claims are childish at best. It's no wonder that so many of ptss's post have been deleted from this thread. 
I'm going to try a similar experiment by trying the HF CT-1 interconnects in place of the GE interconnects based on probably the same recommendations you heeded. My GE speaker cables are here to stay and I'll order the GE power cords soon. The GE cables are amazing products at very affordable prices.......what's not to like?
Congrats tommylion, the wait will be worth it. The GE speaker cables are simply amazing, as are the IC's. I'm sure the power cords are also but I've yet to experience them......something I shall rectify soon.
In my expert opinion you should get the red.......the fact that the master has already suggested the red had nothing to do with my choice 😜