CDP upgrade

I am considering up grading my cd-player. Right now I have a Marantz 67se. I was considering a Rega Planet or an Arcam 7se. On the other hand Iwas considering a DAC like the MSB link III. Anyone have any suggestions? I would like a clear upgrade, but I have limited $$$. By the way, the rest of my system is an Arcam 10 intergrated, Aegis one speakers, MIT T2 speaker cables, Nordost blue Heavean IC. I listen to mostly jazz and pop.
You can't go wrong either way (MSB or Rega). If you can afford it, both! I've actually heard this combination, and now I must own it. But either one by itself is an excellent improvement.
I went with the MSB Link DAC III with the P1000 power base. The Marantz CD67SE is basically built well. I would suggest getting a good digital cable to hookup between the D/A converter and the CD player. The MSB sound good out of the box, but it sounds alot better after about 100 hours of play time. You can look at specs and reviews at I purchased mine from out of Chicago.
I owned an Arcam Alpha 8SE until about 2 months ago. About a year ago I bought an RCA 5223P DVD player to play movies and never really compared the two on a sound basis, figuring that the Arcam would grossly outperform it. I was wrong. You can read my review at for all the details including my system. This DVD player is last years' model, so if you can find it, it'll probably be seriously discounted-maybe into the $200-$250 area or less, so you'll really save $$$. I can't comment on the newer RCA players (and a big company like RCA might change suppliers, etc. every year so beware), but in my system the lowly RCA sounded much better than the $1000 8SE. Go figure. I'm still ecstatic 2 months later!
I own a Marantz 65 mkII that I play through an AMC DAC8 and I also own a Rega Planet. My advice would be for you to audition a killer DAC. Although, I have not yet read any reviews on the Planet 2000. Anyone else?