CD players - Luxman vs. Esoteric?

I am considering a stereo system with either a Luxman (D-06 or DU-08) or Esoteric X-05 CD player.

Any thoughts on how Luxman compares to Esoteric?


The Esoteric X-05 has received a lot of good critical press, but Luxman cd players seem to be less well known.

How do these two brands compare?


It is not possible to demo any Luxman cd players in my city, nor is it possible to compare Luxman to Esoteric.

Like many people, I would have to make a special order and buy a Luxman cdp sight unseen.

I have seen and played with the Esoteric X-05, but I am wondering how performance, build quality, and transport compares to the similarly priced Luxman D-06.



"find a dealer who will let you live with each for least two weeks. Borrow the floor demo's, all burned in"

Well, that certainly sounds simple enough. Where would one find such a dealer? I'd like to set up a couple of 2-week home demos myself.
You need a loan unit of each to put them in your system for a real time compare, all else is pure speculation. Since these are high price point units, find a dealer who will let you live with each for least two weeks. Borrow the floor demo's, all burned in. I've heard the Esoteric and was not impressed in that it did not sound better in my system which has a sony 777. All that it proves is in 'my' system the Esoteric is bettered, according to my ears.