cd player rec

1991 system, luxman tp 117 preamp, luxman dc 117 multi disc cd player, adcom amp, powering kef bookshelf speakers in small family room, and 3 rooms with luxman in wall speakers.  The cd player drawer sticks. Should I have it repaired?  There are not alot of multi disc players made.  Would a Yamaha cd 600 or Onkyo dxc 390 sound worse?  I realize these are low end players, but tech does change in 25 years. Any suggestions?  Thanks. 
Its time for a new player. You're chance for finding parts for something that old is pretty slim. Probably cost more than its worth. An entry level CD player from a company like NAD, Marantz or Cambridge should sound way better than your Luxman.
Redbook cd reproduction on todays new players is light years ahead of even the best in class from 1991. mb1audio had some good suggestions. 
some great deals on the Marantz CD 6005 now that the 6006 has been introduced