CD or Streaming... am I missing out?

I listen to CD in my headphone office system. Use a Theta Compli transport and a very nice and pricey tube 16/44 DAC. Have thought about a streaming capability and all its benefits but am both limited by SPDF and by 16/44 only. I also love the analog sound of my tube DAC. Does streaming sound far surpass CD? Am I missing out?

Showing 4 responses by mglik

It seems there is a partial consensus toward CD. And aside music selection and convenience, I am happy to see SQ going to CD.
When mentioned “advantages of streaming” it is clear that having access to virtually unlimited music and discovering new is central.
After collecting CDs for decades, I have winnowed them down to about two hundred that I love and, many, are listened to repeatedly.
I am indeed fortunate to be retired and have a home office where I do busy work leaving me open to carefully listen to and enjoy my system. My rig is a pair of ZMF Verite headphones, Theta Compli transport, Bakoon HA 1 amp, Stealth digital IC and analog IC, and a rather special 3 Dimension Audio DAC that is a close copy of the Audio Note Level 8 DAC.
Streaming is for babies!!! Real men spin vinyl. Put a turntable in your office.

Whatever the sample and bit rate, analog is infinite.
My main listening is done through a TT rig.
The one CD a day in my office system-“wow, that’s interesting”.
The several LPs a day in my main rig-“wow, I am speechless”.
I will always be oriented toward listening, my precious hours, to the best SQ I can muster. However, it seems very attractive to check out something like Pandora and how when selecting a favorite artist they mix in related content from others. Think I will spend some daily time listening to Pandora through the app on my smart TV. A good idea to discover new artists and music. Have that as a handy guide to buy new CDs or LPs.