Caveat Emptor

I almost never post and never have submitted a bad review but my experience with Apos Audio requires me to do such.

I ordered a DAC from them and they sent wrong color. I tried to contact them via phone and the only way to get someone's attention is through email.  They gave a slight refund if I wanted to keep the DAC which I accepted.  Then when I hooked it up it would not work correctly. They offered suggestions on a possible fix which I tried all to no avail. I asked to send the unit back to get refund and that is when the issue on a 20% restocking fee was communicated to me due to having it longer than the time allowed.  This was not acceptable to me as I had to wait for their response between emails.  I sent the unit back and filed a dispute with Paypal and it took me 3 weeks from the time they received it to get my money.  I will never buy from them again and will give my business to Mother Amazon where returns are much simpler and I don't have to write numerous emails to get refund.

Just a heads up to all.


That is absurd! The 20% restocking fee is designed to enable one to audition equipment in their own home w/ their particular equipment to see if it sounds good. We know some equipment requires breaking in to sound its best.

If the equipment is defective, a full refund or replacement should be honored at no additional cost!  I’ve owned successful businesses for over 40 years & would never treat one of my customers so poorly. 

Thanks for posting. I think what is important is that it appears you alerted them to issues with the unit within the time frame they outline for no restocking fee. They had you try fixes, instead of immediately shipping another, which were unsuccessful. I am surprised that they even attempted a restock fee when it appears you alerted them timely of a problem and it was defective. Plus, restock fees are not applied to defective products, in my experience. Heck, I hope they don’t ’re-stock’ it or resell it at a discount, which is how sellers cover selling opened stock.  It can be tricky when a seller does not use phones and I am unsure if my email or online for went through.  Glad it all worked out.  

Thanks. I tried everything in my power to make it work so I could enjoy and not send back and miss listening to music.  It would be nice if possible to pick up the phone and discuss with someone but when I called the number listed on their website all I got was a recording and not even able to leave a message.

I am happy others have had good experiences with them but once they made an error in sending me the wrong color I thought they would have taken the extra steps to make this right instead I got push back during the whole process.

I can't recall the last time something like this rose to the frustration level this did.

The have lost a customer for life.


The customer in most cases are always right and Apos Audio you should feel ashamed of yourselves. Word spreads quiickly and if you want to remain in business I suggest you give your customers the benefit of the doubt and keep them happy!

A good experience with Apos means nothing regarding the veracity of OPs claim.  The Apos response here seems far from optimal.  To overcome this, they better make killer gear with awesome sonics.