Cary V12i to r Upgrade

I recently picked up a V12i which I am enjoying very much. I have not owned a tube amp for many years and probably not as nice as this one, which has me reading everything I can online to learn more about this amp, such as it seems the V12r is the amp to have and some say the V12i was actually a step back from the original V12 in sound. I am really enjoying this amp and I am wondering if I should send it in to Cary to have it upgraded.


I reached out to Cary and in a couple days they responded back which was promising with all that is going on in the world today. They asked me to send pictures of the inside so they could send me back a proper proposal based on what power transformer, caps and etc my amp has. Sent the pictures in today and in a few hours I had a response with the cost which with everything they are proposing the number is reasonable, but it is real money and I question it makes sense to invest this much into this amp, or maybe do a partial upgrade keeping it a V12i but only change out the caps and not the power transformer as that is the largest single cost on the upgrade? Or possibly I could just send the power transformer to Cary and pay the cost for the heavier repotted one... assuming they would just do that which that alone is still over $500 without shipping figured in.


Amp is in great shape and I can see keeping it for a long time and not to flip as I am not sure I would recoup the cost anytime soon. Curious what other Cary V12 owners think and especially those that have gone from the i to the r? All but the transformer I could do myself, but am I wasting my time as that is the weaker part of this amp? The amp sounds very nice and I am surprised how well it drives my current speakers even in all triode mode, but I am curious what this amp is capable  of too.


Lastly, any original owners that have kept their V12's? I see keeping it for the long haul as I doubt I could replace it for what I paid or even what they go for on the market. 



Showing 1 response by mysearcher257

I am an original owner of a V12i that was bought 10 or more years ago when my main amp went in for service.  I loved it.  When the main amp returned from service, I had the V12i upgraded to a V12r.   The V12r was now even more enjoyable.  More impact.  More feeling of power.  Just more.   I never second quessed the upgrade.  Still have the amp.   It is in the closet.  Will never sell it.