Cary cinema 11a or Krell HTS 7.1 ???

I'v done a lot of research and have narrowed it down to the these and would like some feed back from other Audiogoners.
My interest is really 2 channel but I also watch a lot of Blu-ray movies using mt Oppo BDP 95 utilizing the Dacs in the Oppo. I now the best would be to get a separate pre but I do not have the room. Another thing I should mention is that I want to use balanced cables from which both units have, with 5.1 and stereo.

Showing 2 responses by dbphd

I replaced a Proceed PAV/PDSD with a Cinema 11a, based on Michael Fremer's glowing review of its sonics, and his conclusion that a separate pre-amp would be superfluous. From reviews, I gathered that the sonics of the Cary were superior to those of the Krell. The Cinema 11a and 12 are buggy, but the sonics are indeed superb, and the bugs mostly haven't bothered me. The one bug that does, the 11a and 12 treat LPCM as DSD and thus provide no bass management, is not an issue if you are using analog out from the BDP-95, because the Oppo passes bass management to the Cary.


My post wasn't clear. The Oppo can pass 7.1 analog to the Cary. If the Cary is set to bypass, the 7.1 is output from the Cary without further processing other than RCA being converted to XLR. What I should have written was that the Oppo does the bass management and can process lossless codecs.

In retrospect, I needn't have replaced the PAV/PDSD, because the PDSD has 5.1 analog pass-through and the Oppo can output lossless codecs. The PDSD also converts RCA to XLR.
