Cartrige for Scout w/jw9 on my system?

I just got into vinyl last year and am upgrading to a Scout for christmas. I need some cartridge recommendations please. Right now I've got the little Bellari vp129 phono stage which will be my next upgrade. I'm running a Mark Levinson #23 amp, Sonic Frontiers SFL1 pre. I mainly listen to rock and roll loud. Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Will

Also the 10X5 is very dynamic, extended and puts up a big stage. I've heard some great things from a friend's VPI Scout. It was very receptive to tweaks, all the work of Igor at K-works, he has some great improvements and is super knowlegable. Best way to reach him is email: Enjoy!
Hey Will, You didn't mention your budget. At the roughly $400 level, a Goldring 1042 does Rock n Roll extremely well. I used one on my Scout for a while before upgradeitis set in and enjoyed every minute of it. It excelled at rock music, great drive, pace, bass extension, & very decent soundstage, a real winner for the money.
A Sumiko Pearl or a Clearaudio Aurum Classic would be good (budget) choices with the Bellari. Wait until you upgrade the Bellari before going to a moving coil cartridge (even a high-output mc).