Cartridge recommendations VPI Scoutmaster

I am looking for cartridge recommendations for a VPI Scoutmaster/Joule Electra/Merlin VSM Mx system. I have been out of vinyl for many years....and so am really a novice again in this area. I listen mostly to Jazz and Classical and some rock. I am looking at both new and used cartridges. Any guidance would be appreciated.
Honestly, I didn't look into that beforehand. In doing some research now it seems like the Koetsu is Medium-Low and not low. VPI recommends a cartridge with a compliance over 10, and I think the Koetsu cartridges are still in this range.

I will definitely research this more before even opening the package. Thanks!
Ghunter, any concerns on the compliance of the Koetsu with the JMW arm? I was curious about a Koetsu with my JMW9-Sig but was under the impression that the low compliance might be an isuue?
I've had a lot of great years with Dynavector/VPI together, but the Shelter 501 mk2 is in another league for transparency at the cost of dynamics. I find it more musical.

Koetsu Rosewood Standard and Grado Reference cartridges should be arriving soon, too.
If you want a stabil and calm presentation the Grado Statement is a good match, tracking is superb. But if you want more dynamics and resolution Benz LP is a very good match.

The best tonality would be the Kuzma KC3, but it lacks a litle bit of dynamic if you compare the Benz LP, but it's more dynamic than Grado Statement.
I ahve a Scout with Scoutmaster platter and motor, and use a Dynavector XX-2 mk2. Very sweet cartridge.
I have a Scoutmaster with JMW9 and a Dyna 20X-S.V. 1.0 mv and it is just awesome.
Hey Tom, what differences did you hear between the 17D2 and the 17D3. I have been using the 17D2 on my scoutmaster with the signature arm since I've had it (about a year and a half). I was just wondering since I will have to replace the cartridge at some point here in the future.
I went from a Grado Sonata to a Benz Ebony... WOW - what a difference. Its as though the Grado was broken
Thank you all for your insights. I am going to purchase a Benz Micro M2 Wood and will post a follow-up after everything gets hooked up.....which may take a little while. Seasoned, I am buying it new. All of the cartridges mentioned have gotten great reviews. Seems like there has been quite a renaissance in analog playback, and the cartridge technology in particular seems much improved along with everything else. Thank you again for taking the time to respond.
My dad runs the Benz (Ace? $600), I gave him a Dyna 20L incase he ever needs it, may look higher in the Benz line but it sounds really good on his Scoutmaster.
I've had very good results with the DV 20XH on a Scoutmaster/JMW 9. I currently have a Benz Micro Glider II M, though I am waiting on my preamp to come back from the shop for a tune up so I can break in the cart. Preliminary results are less background noise with the Benz as well as a more recessed soundstage. The Dyna seems to be more forward with greater inner detail. Not a completely fair comparison yet though. YMMV.
I have had very good results with the Dynavectors. Used the 17D2MKII with my Scoutmaster and have used the 17D3 and now the XX-2 MKII with my Superscoutmaster.
I am enjoying my Ortofon Jubilee very much with my Scoutmaster. I would highly recommend it. Best of luck
Both Benz and Dynavector match up with VPI very well. Others have reported good results with Shelter, though theoretically they are not as good a match.
I have a Superscoutmaster with JMW9 and love using Clearaudio cartridges with this set up. Currently I am using a Clearaudio Maestro with superb results. The cartridge has a healthy output, so gain is not an issue with most phono preamps set to MM. Personally, I do not buy used cartridges - I enjoy the high frequency sparkle of a fresh cartridge and peace of mind knowing that the tip is new. This is one item that I always buy fresh off the shelf.