I was browsing over at the asylum earlier, seen you had posed the same question there, and the one recommendation at this point, was for the Clearaudio Maestro Cartridge.
I never owned-heard one, so I certainly cannot give a personal viewpoint either way, to say if it is worth it's $1,000 price tag. One would assume at this price, this MM should be outstanding. I was going to suggest it, if you are willing to take the chance spending this sort of money.
I'm certainly no authority on Clearaudio, they make-market some nice products, and some very expensive products. I have heard it rumored, that some, if not many of Clearaudio Cartridges use Audio Technica Parts in their construction.
What parts are implemented, and what changes, or differences are made, other than the wood bodies on the Clearaudios, I cannot honestly say? They may very well all being coming out of Japan from the same factory, just a pretty wood body added to give a slightly different voice-sound?
For a 1/4 of the Maestro's price, the Cartridge I suggested earlier should pleasantly surprise you. Mark