I have a Koetsu Rosewood Signature in my 1.5t. The arm has the 2.2 bearing upgrade. The combination sounds transparent, dynamic and very sweet. The Koetsu was quite cheap because it needed rebuilding. I had that done at Benz in Switzerland. The total cost came in under your budget.
Cartridge for Graham 1.5
Currently I use a Benz LO4 or Shelter 501 with the Graham on a Orbe TT. I would like to hear what others believe to be the best match for this arm at reasonalbe cost ie less than 2K.
The rest of the system is DIY fet-Loesch preamp with plenty of gain, Berning EA-230 and Quad original ESL's.
The rest of the system is DIY fet-Loesch preamp with plenty of gain, Berning EA-230 and Quad original ESL's.