Cardas Golden Cross no longer offered by Cardas ?

I just found out that the Golden Cross IC line , as well as many others are no lnger being made or offered by Cardas. I wonder why . I have a feeling that a lot of their newer cables were not selling that well and a lot of people were buying used , which does not help Cardas sell any .
Well, i currently have a pair of ICs for sale on ebay. Maybe i Should not have done that, as i would expect their value will go way up now .
Here is a link to the cables offered. At the bottom you will find the ones they no longer make , under the Legacy Heading

Showing 2 responses by stringreen

Theo....right you are.... I have Ayre too....I tried every Cardas they make because Ayre insists that they have had excellent results with Cardas. I found that Cardas is the very worst cable for MY equipment than any other. I have the top of the line Anti-Cables that work very well for MY system.
MY take is that cables or for that matter any component should not impart anything at all to the party. At one time speakers had 2 categories of sound...amps have the s/s sound and the tube sound...but as time goes on all specialty sounds are coming together to become the "right" sound.