Cardas Clear breakin. How many hours needed?

I purchased a new pr 6 meter XLR’s and 2 meter pr clear speaker cables. Need some feedback from actual users of these cables on how long of a breakin period before they’re sonically right.
Anti cable breakin theorists need not chime in please. 

Showing 1 response by rird

I can not disagree to other opinions, but i for sure (after 25 years) leave all silver along. I just don't feel like taking another chance.
A speaker designer told me that cables that needs brake in isn't right.
I don't say that! When he came and set up my speakers it was done in 2 hours and it sounded great. If you don't like your Cardas Clear, can you please explain what you expect to change after this so called "break in period"?
Oh, also, if you ever get in contact with anyone designing studio monitors, Genelec, Barefoot Sound (Thomas) you should ask them this question. Then you can't say you talk to people knowing nothing.
I have asked this question and guess what they told me ;-)