Capital Audio Fest 2016

Just got back.   Did not see a thread for this yet so here it is.  

For me  lots of very good sound this year.    The best as a whole I have heard.   Very few disappointments.   Some old favorites enjoyed once again and a few new finds.   Will report more when I get a chance to digest it all a bit.  

I'm of course very interested to hear about what others thought and may have discovered?


I really only heard the big Voxativ custom speakers briefly, enough to determine they were doing some very good and unique things and that I liked them and thought they had potential.

Very cool and impressive but too big for anything I am ever likely to seriously consider owning. So given limited time I moved on quicker than I would probably have liked to as I had to do with many of the larger more "cutting edge" setups. I always like to hear what is possible to help establish what a reference standard for sound should be in my head. Then I move on trying to approach that within my means as best as possible.

I totally missed Joseph Audio now I'm bummed have never heard one of their speakers before and was curious. Oh well I'll have to remember for next year. I see how dangerous audio shows are now too all I can think about are how I need new speakers!

FYI, three of the rooms you liked (Martin Logan, Care Audio & David Berning/Voxitive Horns) all featured room acoustic treatments by Resolution Acoustics.

Did not know that. 

I heard so many really good sounding systems there.  It seems to me that attention to integration and setup and personal preferences may each be bigger factors for good sound these days than most any particular product.  There are so many good ones. The secret recipe seems to be how one mixes and matches and tweaks to perfection as needed.  So many ways to make tasty soup. 
I will say the thing that impressed me most at this show, more so than any single thing I heard, was the passion of so many of the vendors there. So many of these guys seem to really put their heart and sole into realizing their visions and making the best products they possibly can all for the love of music. There were so many technological works of art. I'll take one of each please.  Hats off to them all.