capacitor upgrade

Hi, i have Shenda music van tube cd player, and i want to change the tube coupling capacitor. the standard one using wima MKP 10 and i think it is non polarized. how can i change to capacitor which is polarized?
Duelund is the smoothest, most natural hands down. Doesn't have thick mids, just natural, no colorations I can detect. Duelunds have won every cap shootout I've seen, out of this world priced Audio Notes only cap in contention for top honors. You can't go wrong with the Duelunds, problem is affording and fitting them.
i just checked the price but the price is wayy... over my budged. my budget is less that $100 for 3.3 microfarad, it would be great if you can suggest me other brand.

but maybe i will consider audionote copper foil. any input for the sound?
The good Audio Notes I'm talking about are more expensive than the Duelunds.

I assume you have two coupling caps to replace. In lower price range, Jantzen Z-Superior Copper is best I've tried. Next lowest in price, Mundorf Silver in oil.

And if your serious about wanting a 'thick' mid, try the Audience Auricap, most bloomy mids I've heard, relatively cheap as well.