Thanks Grannyring. My system right now is very optimized to be very neutral , resolving and dynamic. Exactly where it should be.
Capacitor upgrade is pretty academic but if anything, I would like to make my system tip towards warmth. Can always use more body to instruments. Better separation of instruments along with width and depth wont hurt either.
Oh, again, not that anything is missing right now, but spending money on capacitors should do more of what I enjoy. Little more warmth and I am happy.
So, which direction should I be going? Thanks.
Capacitor upgrade is pretty academic but if anything, I would like to make my system tip towards warmth. Can always use more body to instruments. Better separation of instruments along with width and depth wont hurt either.
Oh, again, not that anything is missing right now, but spending money on capacitors should do more of what I enjoy. Little more warmth and I am happy.
So, which direction should I be going? Thanks.