"Can You Lift Yours?"

Harmon Kardon Citation II Stereo Amp, 1959, 60 wpc; 120 lbs

(for the youngsters among us: tubes, SS didn't exist yet)


"Can You Lift Yours?"

"Space Heater. Ballast for Submarines".

"Useful for Training Weight Lifters"


being medically house bound since Halloween, tv overload, hopping about, I re-discovered a site with some great history:


in section 'omnidirectional speakers


interview with Stewart Hegeman 



I had a McIntosh AMP, MC2250, 250wpc, 80lbs.

I lifted it out of a low shelf in a tight space, felt a 3rd meniscus tear in my 'bad' knee while lifting.


Your Heavy Equipment Stories Please.


Showing 11 responses by asvjerry

...and this is why ’D’ amplification, given its’ current rate of development and improvements, will prove to be a godsend to aging ’philes. Eventually, their children, grandchildren, friends, and even clueless neighbors will avoid any sentence that begins:

"I hate to ask (utter BS, to begin with), but....could you lend a hand (and most other body parts) to move a couple pieces of my audio gear?"

Those who hadn’t seen the parade of items that had come and gone during their time living next to said ’phile may volunteer to their later regret, although the cost of professional help to regain their previous physical state will do so.

Those that have will default to the prepared ’cop-out’ that will indicate they will be as far away as possible in the next 5 minutes, lasting as long as possible.


My current amp weighs 48.9 lbs.

Multi-channel. 6 - 2 channel amps, A & B outputs, 24 out total.

Mono any or all, drive all or any one individually.

Fully loaded, all 24: 30w.rms, at acceptable specs. That which I can't hear anyway, given current space occupied and equipment applied.

Happy enough.

At 73, I can still pick up 60 lbs. of concrete.

Good to go for now. ;)

Bend your knees, J

14.2 or 19.2 lbs....

I can cope with that....*L*

Hi @mahgister.... Going totally portable doth have its' benefits... ;)

*Ah*  A 'phile product I've just 'demented' for all us pre- and current 'boomers' that can't cope 'n carry mono monsters no'mo....

"Is it time to trade up/down that mega mono amp?  Or are you just curious as to what may have lurked beneath it, soaking up that clean SET heat?

Wonder no longer, with the AmpUpper. (reg.trade mark pend.)

(Soft focus pic of a 4 castered cart that looks like a micro-forklift...)

See you @ Kickstarter....;)

@clearthinker *L* Well, since I've never weighed over 160, that's a great excuse for never owning a Krell mono...even maneuvering it onto a handtruck would have been an 'inchworm activity' (i.e., "1,2,3 *grunt*, repeated as req'd.)....
Currently 130 @ 5'11", BMI @ 17.9....as Harry said, "A mans' gotta know his limitations..." ;)

@elliottbnewcombjr ....which is Precisely why I/we own a Bobcat to move this/that/the other 'round here for our biz....  A big chunk of our 'upstock' is locust logs.

At 48.2 lbs.per cu.ft. @ 12% moisture....when we've logs up to 20'...
even a short piece can make your eyes bulge. 👀😬....or the vertebrae squeak, of which you've had enough of....

Next amp for this sillie mortal:


...and Yes, there's currently a 4600 on the AG....not affordable at this time, but a 2800 would be a big step up...and I've the 'puter to push either...

...and I'm patient... ;)

Heal fast, Elliott...C'ya


@mulveling ... 

The amp's form factor is absolutely a big deal. 

Well, yuh....but ones' personal form factor remains the bottom line, esp. when the hands hit the chassis...  Unless your posted pic is a file photo from youth gone by, you've got a built-in 'cheat'. *mock grumble*  And it's vaguely reassuring that the 300s' pose a challenge to you, Commanding Grips notwithstanding.... ;)

Amps and speakers are the bane of most 'philes...those who gravitate to tubed power and large drivers risk damage of varied forms when age is an issue we can't ignore no more.  I'm only half kidding about a lightweight platform on wheels that could extract, lower/move/raise. and deliver the goods to the new space....

As for mahgs' Krells....the 'light industrial' variant would have to be 'beefy' (and no carpeted floors, nooo....). *L*

"Are you available on an 'on-call' basis?" 😏  (He prays i'm kidding....)

'Back from The Shadows again....'

Posting issue....had to verify my existence....

"It's those dam AI again...."


@tony1954 ....😏....now, imagine these Yorkies dragging a heavyweight audio system with them....

"...had my entire Mac collection on a rubber raft when a freak wave hit, all went to the bottom, 20K leagues....dove down to rescue, my head exploded comin' back up....dam' fish ate my brain...

(...and nobody noticed any changes....) ...True, that...."

@mapman ...and, once lifted, needs to find a place to land....and quickly.... ;)


A pillow....just as the Pain spikes....toss driver....

...and it bounces on pillow...onto the floor....

"I want to die, now...."

(They came, took him away, with the ragged cone on his head....)

*....channeling the music behind the opening of the old b&w series ....*

"Sounds like a job for:  CLASS D !  "

😏....Time to define what 'a bit heavier' would mean....built-in casters?

A 'beefy' pair of handles?  Removable, of course....must keep up appearances... ;)

Fork-lift channels at the bottom of the chassis?

"Heavy-lift helicopter service available at a modest charge...."

"...no, decided to go 'all-in' this time.....2kw mono a side....ought to do it...."

"50 thousand watts of funky!" (A refrain from a sound awhile back...)

Restraint be damned....*L*


“The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy notes that Disaster Area, a plutonium rock band from the Gagrakacka Mind Zones, are generally held to be not only the loudest rock band in the Galaxy, but in fact the loudest noise of any kind at all. Regular concert goers judge that the best sound balance is usually to be heard from within large concrete bunkers some thirty-seven miles from the stage, while the musicians themselves play their instruments by remote control from within a heavily insulated spaceship which stays in orbit around the planet—or more frequently around a completely different planet.”

....used to be on speed dial....been awhile....🤔