Can we talk about Qobuz for a minute

    I use to use Spotify until i heard Tidal, and now with my Parasound Integrated amp having a pretty nice dac onboard im bypassing my Bluesound Node2’s internal dac and it sounds great.

    Is Qobuz just like Tidal as to song selections and ease of use. I haven’t check pricing either.

    Is there a reason some really like Qobuz sound better, without it turning into a blood bath Lol, thanx guys


Showing 1 response by decathlon1991

Some of these comments are flat out ridiculous. So much bias, you start to believe your on BS. First of all all music is equalized weather in a studio, at a concert or anywhere else. Just because you may not like Tidal or Qubuz, that’s your choice. In order to be honest with others you should be honest with yourself. Very difficult I suppose. Both sources has their plus and minus. I can’t stand music being dropped. That’s annoying. I use both but it depends on the album. I don’t get into the political nonsense about who gets paid. I could care less because it has nothing to do with the sound quality in my rig. Take a step back and think about what the question was about in the first place, geeezzzzzz!