Can Vandy's get along with cats?

I'm currently a proud owner of a pair of Vandersteen 3A sig., and am considering getting a cat. I've held off up to this point because I'm concerned that the cat would shred the socks on the Vandersteens. It's a big enough concern that I have thought about getting different speakers. I'm curious if anyone has had any experience with cats and Vandersteens sharing the same space. Has this worked for anyone in the past?

Thank you very much,

Showing 4 responses by magfan

My cat, Renfield by name, NEVER went near my Maggies. When Renfield was gone a few years and I replaced him with a pair of littermates, THEY never went near 'em, either.
One of the sofas was the worse for wear, however, and the big orange one liked tearing up the trees in the back yard. I made the orange one a scratch post, which was HIS. I could never get his sister to stop picking on a small but nice area rug.

Do not declaw, under any circumstances. It's mean. Cats should have some space of there own....a raised platform with a view outside is nice. Regularly scheduled playtime is almost mandatory, too. My wife used to sing to 'em which they enjoyed.
OK, I will.
sounds nutty, but than, so too are cats.

I know cats ALL seem to hate having a balloon rubbed on 'em than it sticks due to static. They back away and it FOLLOWS! OMG! It's after me!
I know it's not citrus, but my big orange cat would eat Cantelope until just shy of (the cat) exploding. Also, any and all pizza toppings.
His littermate/sister would eat ONLY cat food, not even a nibble of Porterhouse or BBQ Chicken would tempt.
What idea, Palsar? Banana scented insense in the listening room?

The ONLY safe to thing to say about cats is that they are ALL different. I've even seen pictures of cats that'd go into a swimming pool voluntarily.
My big orange one would see the flee comb and come over and wait. His sister? GONE. She'd find a new place to lay and hide...HE'D take it away. HE'd open my sock drawer and make himself at home.

I think cats are kind of a crap-shoot. I've never been able to clock what they are going to do next, at least when kittens.