Can't get the M2Tech Hiface Drivers to download

Every time I go to the Hiface website and attempt to download the drivers to my Mac the only thing that downloads is the installer package itself, not the actual drivers. Anyone else have a similar problem? Months ago I did this with ease but later fried the unit in a thunderstorm and the Mac stopped recognizing the unit, so now, with the new modified unit from John Kenny I cannot get the Mac to accept the new drivers - only the installation package. I have tried to download the drivers from the Geek website but have not been able to get that portion of their website to come up.

Anyone with similar issues that got resolved?

Sorry your still having problems.

When you go to Apple Menu/System Prefs/Sound and click on the output tab does the HiFace show up as a selection? (you do have it plugged in correct? Just trying to cover all bases.) If it is not showing up try using a different USB cable (if you are using one). If you cannot get the HiFace to show up, the unit may be damaged.

Try what Pettyofficer suggested and try another USB port or try another USB device on that port. Are you using a USB port on the Mac or a USB hub? Some devices don't play well with the hubs.

To check if the driver is installed open your main HD/System/Library/Extensions and see if a file named Hiface.kext is there. If it is, the driver is in the correct place.

Also what OS are you using 10.4, 10.5 or 10.6?
Pettyofficer: Here are the details: First, this is a modified unit from John Kenny in Ireland. The first unit from him worked perfect but that is the one that I think was fried in the thunder storm. Immediately following that storm the Mac no longer recognized the Hiface, however, the port is still good because my pop pulse functions perfectly through it. The charger unit that was a part of the modified version had/has a surge protector function and still works just fine. The Hiface batteries still function so I am dubious that it really fried the Hiface. Second, I got a second Hiface from John and the Mac would not recognize that one either. I have changed ports, cables, etc., everything you can think of. No where does the Mac show the downloaded drivers - no where. It shows my HP Printer Drivers with no problem.

Jamscience: Today I converted the small sized driver download disc that came with the unit to a full size unit (so I could use it in my Mac) and ran the download again. Nothing! I can't find the download anywhere. Maybe you are right - the problem is with the Hiface itself.

Many thanks to both of you for your suggestions - I take them seriously.
Hi Puerto,
jkenny here. I get google alerts on certain keywords & it alerted me to this thread.

I didn't know you were having problems with getting the Hiface recognised by the Mac.

Can I suggest that you try the Hiface on another computer to prove that it's OK, preferably a PC but another Mac will do.

Let me know how you get on.

Thanks for that idea John - Yes, I have a PC also and will give it a try. Never thought of that. I really don't think that there is anything wrong with the Hiface itself or your work - it has always been good. I have been unable to get the drivers to download so until I can accomplish that I have to assume that the Hiface is good. I even tried using the Hiface unit itself without any connections to the mods but with no luck.
My Apologies-Puerto. M2Tech Hiface is normally powered by
USB Output. M2Tech Hiface EVO has external Power Supply.
Thought you had Hiface EVO. You currently have a M2Tech
Hiface that has been modified to run on an external Power
Supply, and it is NOT an EVO? Just wanted to make sure that this was clear. If the first Unit worked perfect, with
the applicable Driver installed, then something had to have happened to that Driver on your MAC during the
Thunderstorm. Are you using any type of Back-up, external
memory card, external Hard Drive, Internet Back-up? Try
checking your Back-up for the M2Tech Driver there. Either
the MAC already has the Driver installed, or it lost the
Driver during the Thunderstorm. I would go with the latter-
if previous Unit got fried, good chance the Driver didn't make it either. Verify that you are indeed trying to install the proper Driver for your System-32 Bit, 64 Bit
whatever. Make sure that you are trying to install the most
updated Driver from M2Tech. Could be that the Driver Disk is out of date, but try it anyways. I sometimes get low
conductivity with one USB Outlet, with my Netgear Device, I
switch to another USB and everything is fine. I can still run other Devices on the former USB Outlet anyways-go figure! USB is a flaky connector. Make sure Hiface is connected, and powered up when you install Driver. I don't
believe MAC will install Driver if MAC can't see the applicable Device attached for that Driver. Check your
ATTACHED DEVICES to verify Hiface is there and MAC can see it-then install Driver.