Can't get the M2Tech Hiface Drivers to download

Every time I go to the Hiface website and attempt to download the drivers to my Mac the only thing that downloads is the installer package itself, not the actual drivers. Anyone else have a similar problem? Months ago I did this with ease but later fried the unit in a thunderstorm and the Mac stopped recognizing the unit, so now, with the new modified unit from John Kenny I cannot get the Mac to accept the new drivers - only the installation package. I have tried to download the drivers from the Geek website but have not been able to get that portion of their website to come up.

Anyone with similar issues that got resolved?

Showing 1 response by jamscience

Sorry your still having problems.

When you go to Apple Menu/System Prefs/Sound and click on the output tab does the HiFace show up as a selection? (you do have it plugged in correct? Just trying to cover all bases.) If it is not showing up try using a different USB cable (if you are using one). If you cannot get the HiFace to show up, the unit may be damaged.

Try what Pettyofficer suggested and try another USB port or try another USB device on that port. Are you using a USB port on the Mac or a USB hub? Some devices don't play well with the hubs.

To check if the driver is installed open your main HD/System/Library/Extensions and see if a file named Hiface.kext is there. If it is, the driver is in the correct place.

Also what OS are you using 10.4, 10.5 or 10.6?