Can flexible power cables sound good?

Just borrowed some hefty power cables from my locale dealer. The shop is closed because of Covid-19 so he borrowed me some very nice cables and a PS Audio Power Plant P20 to play with.
The PS PC P12 is simple not bendable and the same goes for many of the other cables.
That's a real problem for me. I don't have the space to move my rack out and rearrange all my equipment and electrical sockets to make room for such hefty cables.  

So are there really good power cables that are also flexible?

Showing 3 responses by mapman

The next power cord I buy will be a nice one that also stays seated in my preamp easily with no special fuss.  The stock cord does that well.  Shouldn’t be too much to ask for I hope.
Power cords can be hit or miss case by case and I do not believe it need cost a fortune to design and build a very good one.

I use stock cords on my Bel Canto Ref1000m power amps. These are Class D and very efficient.

I do use Pangea power cords on my Audio Research sp16 preamp and mhdt Constantine DAC. I did hear a clear difference I would attribute mainly to shielding and noise reduction there....better detail and less haze. Nice upgrade!

The only problem with the Pangea is their weight. I have a lot of trouble keeping the plug seated in the device properly, especially the ARC. One false move and they lose contact.

Would like to fix that someday. Signal Cable is likely what I would try if I were to buy new.
Signal Cable has a good rap for good product and high value. That is where I would look first.