can anyone recommend a person in LA area to pay to install a tricky Koetsu cartridge


Assuming social distancing and stay at home order not violated, can anyone recommend a person in Los Angeles area that can be hired to install a Koetsu Rosewood Signature Platinum cartridge which I understand is a bit harder than most cartridges to install. I have a person or two but they are not currently available.


Showing 1 response by whart

Scot won’t do outside work at this point as far as I know (he’s good). Brooks’ son is probably a good bet. Stirling Trayle is good, but up in the Bay Area.
I don’t think the Koetsus are the easiest cartridges to install. The stylus guard is kludgey and it is hard to see the cantilever. That said, I installed the last two stone bodies i acquired with good results. But, I’m in what is largely an audio wasteland when it comes to this kind of service. Mike Trei was my go to when i lived in NY-- he did set ups for a lot of manufacturers and dealers. There’s a big difference between "ok" and really dialed in. You can also learn while watching over the shoulder of a first class set up person and at some point, you probably should learn, but the cost of failure can be high.
Does the arm have enough mass?