Can anyone name that digital front end?

I am curious as to the make and model of the CDP paired with the plinius 9200 and totem acoustic hawks in the totem acoustic room at CES. There is a photo on of the unit on this site under the CES coverage. Does anyone know what player this is?
Go to the general asylum on and an inmate named Jeff Day has posted pics of almost every room and I think Totem was one of them.
It sure looks like an Ayre to me. I think the picture refered to is at

jond, thanks for the tip, but i didn't notice any totem acoustic shots in jeff's photos. i may have missed them though.

woody, thanks! i think you're right. i searched a photo and it looks like it's the ayre cx-7 cd player.

thanks again!
Nice to see that Vince B. thought enough of the compatibility of these units to pair them w/ the Forest.
When my Ayre shows up in a couple days, I'll have
the same setup.