

Responses from golfrok

Amplifier for Totem Forest
My Forests get along well with my Plinius integrated. 
Edge G3 Integrated vs Plinius 8200
I'm sorry, I misunderstood you cable question, but I think the answer is yes. 
Edge G3 Integrated vs Plinius 8200
Zieman- Thanks--I'm using Acoustic Zen bi-wire. 
Best upgrade path?
Perhaps a little more bottom end, and a little more"oomph"to the presentation. It's hard to single out what I'm looking for specifically because I haven't listened to many other systems. 
Paradigm CC v2 to 570 V.3 any benefit
I have 100 v 3's matched with 470 center. Very seamless integration. 
Best bass response in under $1500 used towers
I don't have a lot of comparisons to go off of, but I would say a used pair of Paradigm 100's would deliver very ample bass. 
Most achingly-beautiful music
Many of Pat Metheny's tunes qualify for me. 
Can anyone name that digital front end?
Nice to see that Vince B. thought enough of the compatibility of these units to pair them w/ the Forest.When my Ayre shows up in a couple days, I'll havethe same setup. 
Totem Hawk vs. Forest
I run my Forests with a Plinius 8200 MkII as well. I think the components mate very well together. With the introduction of a new series of integrateds for Plinius, perhaps the 8200 or 8100 will become even more affordable. 
Wadia 861 vs. Gamut CD1r vs Sonic Frontiers T3/P3
Any truth to the rumor that the GamuT company has been sold? 
CD players with volume control ?????
The Wadia 301: great-looking CDP, but is it awkward feedingthe discs in upside down? 
Wadia 861 vs. Gamut CD1r vs Sonic Frontiers T3/P3
I still have not heard the Gamut, but my understanding (from a dealer) is that there have been substantial delays in availability while they work a kink of some kind out of the product. 
What amp. to use with Totem Forest?
I very much enjoy my Plinius 8200 mk with my Forests. 
Revel "F-30" vs Totem "Forest": Better perfomance?
I auditioned both, and ended up with the Forests, though the Revels were impressive, indeed. The bottom end of the Revels was a little better, but I preferred the Totems overall. Ths soundstaging in particular, was impressive.The Revels are a larg... 
Totem or B&W?
I am more familiar with the Totem line, and would concurwith what a couple others posters mentioned: yes they can really sing, and they shine if mated with goodgear upstream. I have the Forests, and love them. And, as someone else said, Vince Bruz...