Can a name make you or break you in the Audio World

I remember being at a show a couple of years ago and seeing a company named Schiit in one of the hotel rooms. I thought it was a terrible name and didn't even walk in. I know who they are now and they seem to be doing quite well even in spite of the name. I guess you can have a lousy name if you make good products at fair prices. I just always thought that first Impressions meant everything when starting a new company. I wonder If they had started with a better name would they be more successful today than they already are.


Showing 1 response by nonoise

I found the name amusing and learned that the people behind it are quite serious about audio and just have a wicked sense of humor. It's like that ceiling fan company called Big Ass Fans. They make what looks like a great product. I wonder how many people pass them up because of the name. Their loss.

All the best,