Cambridge Audio EDGE Electronics

Does anybody here on the Audiogon community own anything from the Cambridge Audio EDGE product line? I just became a dealer last week and just received the EDGE A integrated amplifier and the EDGE NQ streaming DAC preamp. They are beautiful units and sound pretty good right out of the box. I’d be curious to hear from other on what speakers and cables they are pairing these electronics with. I’d also like to hear from others on their experiences with break in on this gear, how long it takes, what they experienced, etc. 


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@edcyn I owned the CXN V2 in a second system a while back. It is not a bad unit for the price, but given my affinity for Dan Wright / Modwright, I was one of the first to get my CXN V2 upgraded with his tube analog output stage and linear power supply. The improvement put it close to a combination of separates including a NAD M50.2 streamer and Lampizator Baltic 3 (total retail over $10K), and the total cost for the modded CXN V2 including the unit was less than $3K. Unfortunately Dan no longer offers the upgrade due to lack of availability of parts, but should he make it available in the future, I highly recommend it.

@mapman I also received the EVO 150 in addition to the EDGE units. It is much smaller than I anticipated, not sure why I thought it might be bigger like a full-width component. It is very attractive, and I have it breaking in in my home office system while the EDGE electronics are in the reference setup on my floor. Did you notice a long break in time with the EVO 150?

Haven’t heard Edge but I have Cambridge Evo 150 that is a fine sounding unit so would expect even more from pricier Edge. 

I haven't come in contact with any Cambridge Edge products but I enjoy my more modestly-priced Cambridge CXN streamer-dac very much. Fine tonality, something extra-important for this Classical Music guy. Not as startlingly 3D as my errr...unreliable now former Mytek Brooklyn Bridge was, but still quite good in this regard. Excellent detail. To paraphrase what Frank Zappa says in some ancient Mothers of Invention liner notes, you can understand all the words, even the sneaky ones.