Cambridge Audio CD Player Has Died

I have a Cambridge Audio Azur 840C CD player that is roughly 15 years old. A year ago the left channel went dead & was subsequently repaired. However, yesterday the audio output completely died (no sound whatsoever). Although the unit has served me well, I am reluctant to continue to put more money into repairs of an older unit.

That being said, I have a question for those of you who have more expertise than I. Is there a discernible difference in sound quality between high-end CD players & those more moderately priced? Although I do have a high-quality audio system, I would prefer not to spend a lot of money on a new CD player unnecessarily.
Thank you so much.

Showing 6 responses by jl35

basic CD Player is DAC and Transport,  sometimes  also include streaming and digital in/out...many believe there are inherent low jitter advantages in an all in one player...
Cambridge sells their refurbished equipment at some very good prices. Their CXC transport is excellent. Lots of good choices on new, modest cost gear...
I bought the CXC new and the Schiit used. I felt they sounded good right away but improved after 100 hours or so. Not a different sound, more like same but better.