Call your Qobuz Representative to Request DSD

DSD purveyors are slim. NativeDSD is the only dedicated place I've found since Acoustic Sounds closed its DSD doors, but Qobuz Download Store would be the perfect ave.

I've had some email discussions with Qobuz suggesting it would benefit them to offer DSD downloads.

If there are any DSDer's out there that are on Qobuz, email them and express your interest in DSD files.



Showing 3 responses by lalitk


Check them out..I bought lot of titles from them. Expensive but they got some rare gems. You may end up picking your jaw off the floor once you hear some of the DSD recordings from 60’s.

The problem with any streaming provider is lack of information on the provenance of the recording. Until they do, I will not buy anything from Qobuz or Tidal.


Thanks for sharing your impressions. I can’t speak to “Chet" 128 DSD quality since I don’t own this title. If you only find one title worth trying then it’s not a place for you. 

On a separate note, check out following titles from Native DSD,

Take One - Piltch & Davis

Autumn Rain In A Secret Garden - Csaba Pengo