Cables to settle brightness

Any suggestions on a cable brand for interconnects and power cables to settle down some brightness?

I have Wireworld at the moment which I might send back.

As I move up the food chain in my system it is getting higher resolving but the treble has gotten a bit forward for me.

I added a PS Audio PowerPlant which is greatly improved the SQ, but now the treble is a little too much. Now it might settle down with burn in, but I’m not sure.

Any suggestions?




Showing 4 responses by ghdprentice

Cardas! If you need a lot of taming go for old used Golden Reference. I used them for decades to warm up my system. Contemporary Cardas are still warm, but not nearly to the extent. But are still excellent cables.

You will want copper as the conductor for sure. Nothing silver or silver coated. 



I would suspect your streamer. I highly recommend Aurender. Either one of there lower level models or an older one. They are detailed and incredibly natural sounding. I have two of them after owning and researching the daylights out of the others. There is a reason Aurender are the most used streamer at audio shows. They mitigate most deficiencies in networking. I run mine directly from wall wart WiFi extenders and have vinyl level performance.





I think you bring up a very importanr point. Ideally you want your components to sound perfect together before working on cable / interconnects. Then you choose cabling to enhance detail and maybe lower noise floor. So, you will be looking for neutral quiet wires.


This is the most important approach to really high performance audio. Get things perfectly balanced at the component level, then wires, power, room treatments, and finally vibration control. This is how you get to the very best and most cost effective sound.



Congradulations.  The DAC should only improve as it breaks in and gets more natural sounding.