Cables more hype than value?

What are the opinions out there?

Showing 20 responses by waxwaves

If someone switched out the cables in my setup to stock cheapos without my knowing, and I came home from work to listen to the stereo, I would notice the absence of the good cables sound qualities immediately.
I'm not afraid Audiolab, there IS something seriously wrong with the cable haters. Are they hard of hearing or do they not have system enough to discerned cable differences? Are they buying into their own hype? Why has this become such an issue for some? I can't believe some of the stuff I've been reading and do not understand the inability to judge differences in interconnect and speaker cable.

Maybe the cable haters really don't belong on audio forums jmcgrogan2? That would be a better topic.

Folks, cabling plays a huge role in all live performances, in all sound recording, in all sound reproduction, and therfore in ALL of our sound systems. There is no question it has an effect on what we hear.
Good post Audiolabyrinth, always enjoy your posts. Can tell you are good natured fellow that is enthusiastic about the discussion. You too Nonoise, thanks.

Irvrobinson, you might consider reducing your intake of Haterade! I bet that if scientific proof were under your nose, you would probably dismiss it as product marketing. Current bunching causes resistance and that is not efficient. The research has been done and companies like Analysis Plus, Tara Labs, and more have created cables that allow your sound system to perform better sonically.
Gotta mention the Incognito wiring harness for Rega tonearms too. The improvement in sound quality when using Incognito vs the stock Rega tonearm wire is significant to say the least. One of the most notable wiring improvements I have experienced. The most notable Improvement being Analysis Plus Solo Crystal Oval!
Also, Paul Hales chose to put Cardas wire in my Revelation 3s, thanks Paul! Steve McCormack will use upgrade wire in upgrades to amplifiers, etc, so will Dan Wright. The list goes on and on, and smart people will do and have done all these things because it makes music sound better.
I've heard the Mogami, they are just ok...nothing special. I enjoyed Analysis Plus Oval One just as much or more in my system. Audiolabyrinth is correct, the audiophiles need better cable. He's probably correct about why too. But what it boils down to for me is that once I had heard what some of the better quality cable do for an audio system, there was no going back to $100 "studio standard" ic cable.

Also, I have to agree with Zd542 that yes, cables are system dependent. So...if you want to know what cables can do for your system, simply try different cables at the top of your price range and then trust your ears. Most will find cabling with a sonic signature that is pleasing that presents the music the way they like it to be and for reasonable cost. I don't know what the big deal is? If God forbid you do not find any "high dollar" cable that you like, you can resell it easily in the used market!

This thread brings to mind a quote from author Robert M. Pirsig

"Quality is a direct experience independent of and prior to intellectual abstractions".
Robert M. Pirsig

So maybe just use an open mind, several hundred bucks or more, and hours of QUALITY listening time to select your favorite cables! If all else fails...ask Audiolabyrinth and he will tell you what you should get! hehe

Oh yeah, one more Pirsig quote for the cable haters:

~ "The absence of quality is the essence of squareness!"
Bo1972 is absolutly correct! Cables do make your system come to life! If you think that your $30 cables are giving you a lifelike presentation of the music, then you have no idea what your hi-end audio system is capable of. It is as simple as that.
I almost forgot about this thread...NOT!!

@Jmcgrogan2, you're cracking me up right now...just read this. Jmcgrogan, has a super keen sense of humor folks in case your not very funny...:) You never fail to make me laugh or at least chuckle.

Audiolabyrinth, like me, loves cables and a good laugh. He loves his Tara Labs Zero Gold to be exact. So he, like Jmcgrogan2 and so many others here, knows what a great cable can do for an audio system...

Finally, We are all interested in cables and for good reason. Some of us Crazy about it??? Maybe, but a better way to say it is that we are "serious" about it. Serious about these serious cables. You should try it...Seriously.
Don't spend $$ on a professional ear cleaning! Save that $$ for audio gear!!! LOL! A bottle of Hydrogen Peroxide solution will do the trick for $2....;) Now let's upgrade! LOL!
Don't be afraid Mresseguie, you are correct, it sounds better. The differences are not subtle either. So enjoy your new cable while you can, the upgrade bug is about to bite you.
Funny looks now, but eventually the look of surprise and excitement will be on their faces when they hear the stereo! Have fun!
Amen Audiolabyrinth. Thoughtful posts Jmcgroovin2 and Tubegroover. I have enjoyed your postings. When it comes to music and audio, I will be the first to admit...
I am truly nuttier than squirrel sh@t!!!

Mitch2, have you tried any of Tara Labs higher end offerings? I had no idea what a cable could do for a good system until I used Tara Labs Air 1 speaker and interconnect cable. I thought Analysis Plus Solo Crystal Oval was as good as I could do on my budget. Some older and more experienced gentlemen here on the forum turned me on to Tara Labs. I now have the overwhelming sense that this is a very serious audio system I am living with. Good luck with your system and happy listening to you as well!
Hey Mitch2, first let me say that I really like your preamp! Looking very nice! Bet it sounds great too! Would love to be able to collaborate with Steve have something similar done with my TLC-1 Deluxe. Do you have remote volume control? I really want to go all out, but I just cannot afford a VRE-1 at this time. I recently picked up a DNA-1 Deluxe with Gold Edition upgrades from SMcAudio. This tapped out my audio budget, but was well worth the price paid!

Next, I must tell you that the Tara Labs Air 1 sc and ic cabling in my system has changed the game for me. I experienced huge improvements in sound quality and musical enjoyment in comparison to the many cables I had tried in the past! So there are significantly better cables out there worth trying.

Haha, "now hear this" is my fav! Good one! Thanks for the laugh, the resident female thought it funny as well... Did you check out the blog "the Audiophile's Wife"?
Love reading your posts on this topic Bo1972. They are very informative and what you are saying is true, thank you. I have recently discovered the difference between 2d and 3d sound from my hi-fi system and it's evolution. I think that a great amp, cables, and speakers helped me achieve this type of holographic presentation. Most others here on this forum will experience the difference for themselves. If they have an ear for music, they will choose components capable of reproducing three dimensional sound everytime!
Audiolabyrinth, wow... I bet you've really been enjoying this, LOL! send for more popocorn now!!! Thank you for the kind comments regarding my post 3.7.13! And ditto the respect sir. You too Jmcgrogan, Frogman, Zd542 I enjoyed your comments also. Nonoise, you are a true poet! Props to you for the highly thoughtful posts well worded.

Is science capable of explaining the differences we hear in cables? Measurements do prove differences in cabling exists. There has been some real research done with things like current bunching & skin effect. Also characteristic impedance of cabling which involves series resistance and series inductance, shunt capacitance, shunt conductance, etc. Learn about the latest cable research if ya need some cable science so badly.

When most music/audio enthusiasts or musicians hear something like a cable improving the quality of the listening experience, do they care so much about the reasons why? No not really. One will buy it, build it, do it anyway just because it sounds "better" than before and they can hear the difference.

I suppose the cable no-believers can hear no audible difference between vacuum tubes either? Yet, tube rolling has become a popular sport! I guess there is NO reason for adding upgrade wiring, hi grade capacitors, higher quality resistors, connectors, binding post, etc to our hi-end components and speakers either... that's just hype too correct? Oh, and why would we ever send our beloved 62' Fender Telecaster out to the custom shop?? Why?? Finally, cable non-believers, why on earth would we ever do something like rewire a tonearm???

Because it sounds better now than it did before and we can hear the difference.

@Mental, sometimes I think that Blue Jean cables are marketed to the old school cable skeptics who feel like they will get close to the same presentation of the music from the "comfy ol blue jeans". I can hear them now..."my ol blue jeans are just right" and I don't wanna change. Well, my linen pants feel just right too. The fabric feels even better on my skin and there is plenty of sack room. My ol Levi's are a bit restrictive in that area and a little rough at the seams. My Tara Labs Air 1 are not at all restrictive and allow my good equipment to do what it was made to do. The Blue Jeans cables just weren't capable of allowing me to hear this kind of intimate and lifelike presentation of the tunes that the Air 1 are capable of. Yeah, I had to spend a lil more $ to have this. But music is very important in my life, so it was definately worth it to me. My point is, there are somewhat inexpensive higher end cable offerings out there in the used market that will amaze you! Did me anyway. I did not realize my equipment could make music that sounded this good. IMO, it is worth the time, trouble, and $$ to find good high end cabling that works for you. You can audition many different high end cables at the Cable Co. Website and find what you like best! Then find a deal on the used marketplace. With better cabling in my system, I enjoy listening now more than ever! In fact, it is downright exciting! Hope this comes across as me trying to be helpful! LOL! Happy listening!
@ Iblieve, You want an amp capable of 3 dimensional musical presentation for not too much money??? Try upgraded McCormack DNA-1 & .05 Deluxe Ediion amps. After Steve's upgrades these amps do it well!