cable selection, Analysis, MIT, Red Rose

I could use some suggestions as to which speaker cable to purchase. I am running Rotel's 200 watt SS amp into a pr of AudioPhysic Tempo 2's. Have Audio Research LS7 Tube preamp. Am considering Red Rose 336, MIT Terminator2's, and Oval 9's. I've heard the Oval 9's on my speakers , but different electronics--they sounded great, but that could also be due to the $6,000 tube amp they were hooked up to.
If anyone has any input I'd appreciate it, am looking to buy used so it will be difficult to try before I buy.
I agree that Analysis Plus Oval 9 is great cable, and by the way, try getting two lengths for shotgun biwire. un-frigging-believable.

QUESTION: have any of you tried the interconnect, either the copper or silver/copper hybrid?
Serrendippity! I just traded email with Allen @ Immedia (the AP importer here in the US) and he suggested I check out the
Oval 9 and the Di Marzio Mpath for the TempoIIIs I bought from him.

I'm using a Classe CAV150 to drive them and have tried a pair
of Kimber 8tc which sounded very controlled and detailed in my admittedly bright room.

Any other experiences or suggestions are welcome.

My experience with speaker cables is usually whatever works best with a tube amp may not work so good with a solid state amp and vice versa. MIT is a good example of a cable that will sound great on solid state but dull and lifeless on some tube amps. Likewise, I currently use XLO speaker cables on my tube amps but once I tried them on a class A solid state amp and it sounded awful. Also, buying used w/o auditioning is very risky.
Oval 9's are excellent cables irregardless of price. I have audio physics virgos and am using some oval 9's. Another great cable I've used with audio physic is the $1100 nordost red dawn. I could not a/b them, but they were both flat out superb. I've tried 3-4 cables that were not. I have some nordost spm's coming in in two weeks. I'll post the comparison of oval 9 to spm. We shall see how good they 'really' are. Either way, the oval 9's are world class, and no, I don't sell them.
Go check out under the cable forum. Alot of info there. I currently have the A+ Oval 9 and find them better than the pair of JPS Superconductor+ I purchased.