Cable Recommendations

My system is comprised of McIntosh 2301 amps and Sonus Faber Stradivari speakers. My other equipment is McIntosh C1000 c/t/p preamp, McIntosh MCD1100 CD/DAC, Avid Volvere TT and a McIntosh MEN220 room correction system (the best money I've ever spent....but that's another topic).

I do not have any decent cables as I literally have spent most on my system and then wanted to finish my room treatments first. Now that I've finished that, I am starting my cable venture (speaker, IC, PC). At present, my budget doesn't allow me to spend much more than about $5,000 for everything.

I would like to get some recommendations. WireWorld? Morrow? Audio Art? Other? Sorry, but I'm just not going to spend $20,000 no a pair of speaker cables. I'm looking for screaming good value to start out with.


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I found that price does not mean anything with cables. You just have to try each of them in YOUR system to hear what each of them can do. I am using Anti-Cables with great success, any Cardas cable just ruined the sound for MY system....yet Cardas is what the manufacturer of my electronics suggest. YUK