If you like Pure Note, here's a true story:
I gave Lak some twelve feet of 12 ga, silver plated copper Teflon military surplus wire I get for 65 cents/ft (37 strands/conductor). He had it cryo treated for $10/lb and when we compared it in both our systems the military surplus was so close to the $600 Pure Note it wasn't funny.
The "sweetness" and "imaging" that you're looking for will be found with appropriate noise control/power deliver measures and room treatments ( vibration control, too, but I'll keep this out of the picture here to help keep things more basic ) . Clean power has a LOT to do with imaging, as it lets you hear low level spatial information. It's best to start at the source (with a cryo'ed or gold plated power outlet) and then move downstream the audio chain. Room treatments will make your system more neutral and fatigue free while at the same time letting your speakers do their imaging thing without having to fight the room. If you try to use cabling as tone controls and spatial enhancers you'll set yourself up for disaster. Cabling should be, above all, transparent and neutral.
I gave Lak some twelve feet of 12 ga, silver plated copper Teflon military surplus wire I get for 65 cents/ft (37 strands/conductor). He had it cryo treated for $10/lb and when we compared it in both our systems the military surplus was so close to the $600 Pure Note it wasn't funny.
The "sweetness" and "imaging" that you're looking for will be found with appropriate noise control/power deliver measures and room treatments ( vibration control, too, but I'll keep this out of the picture here to help keep things more basic ) . Clean power has a LOT to do with imaging, as it lets you hear low level spatial information. It's best to start at the source (with a cryo'ed or gold plated power outlet) and then move downstream the audio chain. Room treatments will make your system more neutral and fatigue free while at the same time letting your speakers do their imaging thing without having to fight the room. If you try to use cabling as tone controls and spatial enhancers you'll set yourself up for disaster. Cabling should be, above all, transparent and neutral.