C7 - two prong Power Cord make a difference ?

Not much discussion on this type cord when searching. This is the type of 2 pole connector that fits in dvd player, game consoles, satellilite and cable box, etc. I notice PS Audio, Pangea and Audioquest make them mostly under $ 100.00. Anyone experiment and can attest if these make a noticeable difference or just stay with stock cord. These are C7 polarized version with one round and one square plug end which I believe is standard. I am thinking about purchasing for my Blu Ray DVD player and Cable TV set top box and looking for opinions from Audiogon gurus first. Any feedback is appreciated. Thank you.
I replaced the cord on my Comcast Cable Box with a cord manufactured by HiFi Tuning. I purchased that cord from The Cable Company. For $99.00, I think it's a no-brainer.
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I just want to share some experiences with using an IEC C14 to IEC C7 Female Connector / Power Adaptor. Currently I'm using the Conntek 30203 Male Plug Adapter along with a DIY Belden 83803 power cord with Sonarquest Audio power connectors. I’m using this combo on a Cambridge Audio Sonata CD30. When using the c7 adaptor with a larger aftermarket power cord and connector you may be putting a strain on the c7 male part of your player or whatever you will be plugging into. It may get to the point where the C7 adapter and plug may start sagging. I had to put some folded up foam padding underneath the adaptor and Sonarquest connector to take the strain off of the connection to the CD30.

Adapter I’m using


Connectors I’m using.


Just heads up if you are going to go with the adapter route. I think if I used a thinner power cord with a less weight connector I wouldn’t be putting so much strain on everything.

As for sonic benefit to doing this I'm not too sure because when I changed the power cord on the CD30 I pretty much changed around my whole system cable wise and power wise. Everything is sounding good now but I can't attribute it to one thing since I made too many changes at once.
PS audio's C7 made a big improvement with my Play Station 1 CD player. One nice feature is that it has an unscrewable ground post on the wall plug in case you find your set up sounds better ungrounded.
Sorry, I meant to say "unshielded" rather than "ungrounded" The third prong on the wall plug would only shield the cable, not ground the component.
I would get an adapter myself; Voodoo and Pangea make good ones for most uses. I have a Voodoo 15 to 20 amp and a Pangea C5 to standard PC and both work well.
A while back on did quite a lot of comparisons of C7 power cables specifically for my TV and blu-ray players.

Like on audio equipment, good power cables can give subtle improvements in the picture quality that is worth pursing if you are a videophile.

The Audioquest NRG-1.5 was better than similar priced Furutech and Oyiade C7 cables. But the very best, better than the Audioquest, was the Mapleshade AC cables, specifically the Double Helix Mk2 with plus upgrade.

These are pure hair shirt cables, each conductor is solid core and must be kept 6" apart from the other leg, there is also an outrigger wire on each side of the conductors than must be spaced further out. This makes a mass of wire behind your equipment rack that does not have high WAF.

I did put the Audioquest C7 on my PC speaker/sub and it improved the sound over the stock cable.
A C7 cable that I have on my MacMini 2010 is the Oyaide L/i15 EMX. It's a PCOCC-A.

I like it. A definite improvement over the stock Apple cable (Volex) and not expensive.

I got it through Chris VenHaus... the Lotus Group is the distributor. Good stuff.

:) listening,

I use the Nordost Purple Flare power cable with C7 connector now. I used the AudioQuest NRG 1.5 in the past.