Bybee Active Room Neutralizers

I have read a couple of reviews on the room neutralizers which are favorable.  Has anyone in the community actually tried them or own them?  Thoughts?

Showing 4 responses by erik_squires

Something that is not rubbish or quackery, but very expensive and was often described in quackish ways was Richard Grey's Power Stations.

Their online descriptions were rubbish, but they worked a treat to clean up local power. Essentially big resonant EM tanks.

Don't see them advertised much, so no idea what happened.


It’s simple really. Just change Planck's constant, and you create a localized, infinitely expanding universe in which the walls are always moving away from the sound source.

At best, they are wall weights with cheap plugs attached. I wonder if the cables even have copper in them.


If they do anything, the description is utter crap.

I would be extremely amused to read about anyone using a current meter to measure their AC consumption. I have a bottle of Tequila that says it will be zero.