Buying used audio equipment in peron in Canada

Anyone has ever bought used audio equipment in person in Canada and took it back to USA ? What is the cost associated with that. What taxes do you pay at the border ? What if you paid cash ? 
Thanks !


Showing 3 responses by devinplombier

I would ask anyone who can’t understand our reaction to all of this, to please try to think about what you would do if the leader of another country voiced this type of desire towards your country.


That's fair.

It also seems fair to point out that Canada still bends the knee to a degenerate colonialist monarchy half a world away.

I don't follow Canadian news other than what transpires on this side of the border and I am not in touch with the Canadian zeitgeist, so please take this as honest wondering rather than as an attempt to inflame controversy on an otherwise quiet Sunday morning.

It's easy to understand why most everyday Canadians would be incensed by US claims to annex their country, but how do they feel about the issue of sovereignty in general?


@nonoise you sure are getting tedious

I don’t know how to tell you this: I did NOT get your post deleted, because:

- I strongly believe in freedom of speech even when that speech is idiotic, and

- I believe your utterings should be preserved and publicly available for folks to read and make up their own minds.

I am sorry your post was deleted but no, it was not me.



The UK has long since ceased to be a world power so it’s doubtful how much sway, if any, it still holds over Canada and its other former colonies; and if in fact it does, how much does that sway actually matters. At this point Canada’s allegiance to the racist throne has probably more to do with habit and tradition than anything else.

However, it just begs question when a country drapes itself in unalienable sovereignty when it has yet to fully assert its own.

By way of disclosure, I’m not a Canada expert by any means. I know quite a bit more about Québec than I do about mainland Canada.