Buying used audio equipment in peron in Canada

Anyone has ever bought used audio equipment in person in Canada and took it back to USA ? What is the cost associated with that. What taxes do you pay at the border ? What if you paid cash ? 
Thanks !


Showing 2 responses by allenf1963

@2psyop -- I have a question to ask you before this thread goes the way of most Audiogon threads (i.e.; "Deleted By Moderators" because we apparently are a bunch of toddlers whose panties get into wads due to opinions being voiced that are opposite of our beliefs, and for God's Sake, we CAN'T HAVE DIFFERING OPINIONS!!!!).


My question:  What does your reply have anything to do with the Original Topic of taxes being paid on equipment crossing the border with Canada?  The answer:  Absolutely Nothing.  You are just providing another example of Canada making a knee jerk reaction over tariffs -- a cutting your nose off to spite your face reaction. 


The Premier of Ontario, Doug Ford, has already hosed rural customers by ripping up a sweet-heart deal for internet service with Starlink.  Do you really think Elon Musk is going to miss a $100 million contract?  Instead, citizens of rural Ontario are going to pay much higher fees for crappy coverage with Telestat, which has said its Starlink alternative, Lightspeed, is years away from roll out.  When Ford realizes his mistake, and comes crawling back to Musk with his tail between his legs, expect Ontario to get a huge "F##k You" from Starlink.  Same goes if he tries to shut off electricity crossing the border.  Soy Boy Justin sealed Canada's fate when his government cancelled the Canada East Pipelne and the Northern Gateay Pipeline.  If Ontario tried to play with U.S. energy, it would be an ugly FAFO scenario. 


As far as the F-35 contracts you need to do a little more research.  The actual story is: 

"Canada’s new Prime Minister Mark Carney has asked Defense Minister Bill Blair to review the purchase of America’s F-35 fighter jet to SEE IF THERE ARE OTHER OPTIONS "given the changing environment,” a spokesman for Blair said Saturday.  Defense ministry press secretary Laurent de Casanove said the contract to purchase U.S. military contractor Lockheed Martin’s F-35 currently remains in place and Canada has made a legal commitment of funds for the first 16 aircraft. Canada agreed to buy 88 F-35’s two years ago. The government had budgeted about $19 billion Canadian (US$13 billion) for the F-35 purchase in what is the largest investment in the Royal Canadian Air Force in more than 30 years. The full life cycle of the program is expected to cost $70 billion Canadian. The Canadian government said in 2022 that Lockheed Martin was deemed to be the top-ranked bidder for a new fighter jet to replace aging F-18s, deciding against Boeing’s Super Hornet and the Swedish-built Saab Gripen. That ended years of deliberations over its aging fleet. The purchase would fulfill Canada’s obligations to defend North America’s air space."


Just like the debacle with Starlink, just WHO or WHERE do you think Canada is going to be able to turn to in order to purchase this HIGHLY TECHNICAL and ADVANCED military aircraft on short notice if Canada again "cuts off its nose to spite its face"??  The Royal Canadian Air Force is currently 30 YEARS BEHIND in its funding and technological upgrades.  Good luck in finding a quick replacement for the aircraft supplied by Lockheed Martin or Boeing.  The same goes for Portugal, the only other Country that is on record "exploring other options" if needed.  If you have proof of "OTHER COUNTRIES IN EUROPE" shopping around, I'd love to see the articles.


I hope there is a quick and speedy resolution to the tariff squabble going on, but I for one will happily pay more for products and goods if they are built or raised in the good old U.S.A.  I have no issue with putting America First.


@newfzx7 & @grislybutter -- At no point did I condone the actions and verbiage coming from the leadership of the U.S., I was just pointing out the poker hand each country holds at the moment.  It disappoints me that relations between the U.S. and Canada have become so frosty -- but hopefully, cooler heads will prevail.


This is a perfect example of one of my pet peeves when it comes to political discussions.  During the months leading up to the election, any time I voiced opposition to a Biden or Harris policy, the Left would immediately pile on me accusing me of being a MAGA Cultists snd having blind loyalty to EVERYTHING Donald Trump stood for -- never having a calm discussion of the issues to see where we aligned with each other.  If they had, they would have realized we weren't that far apart.  But was an immediate attack.  And the DNC Polling Analysts still won't publicly admint why Harris got her tail whipped in every metric that is analyzed 😆. 


@devinplombier -- You make a very good point.  If push came to shove, just how far under the thumb of the U.K. is Canada?