By reading the feedback in the seller's file here on Audiogon. Also check on Ebay for the seller's user name and e-mail address. Often sellers here are also listed at Ebay.
If ANYTHING seems out of place, request clarification and if you're uncomfortable at all, don't buy. Always ask personal information including telephone numbers and addresses. Use wire transfers because they are bank to bank and both sides know exactly who they're doing business with.
Anyone who won't give a phone number and a verifiable address is flaky at best.
Lastly, call the seller. If you're within two hundred miles and it's a big ticket, Pick it up and pay cash.
Very few people don't like cash!
And when you have tons of positive feedback insist on hard payment up front and always keep your word.
By reading the feedback in the seller's file here on Audiogon. Also check on Ebay for the seller's user name and e-mail address. Often sellers here are also listed at Ebay.
If ANYTHING seems out of place, request clarification and if you're uncomfortable at all, don't buy. Always ask personal information including telephone numbers and addresses. Use wire transfers because they are bank to bank and both sides know exactly who they're doing business with.
Anyone who won't give a phone number and a verifiable address is flaky at best.
Lastly, call the seller. If you're within two hundred miles and it's a big ticket, Pick it up and pay cash.
Very few people don't like cash!
And when you have tons of positive feedback insist on hard payment up front and always keep your word.