Buy a new CD transport?

CD playing Luddite here with the question being if I should buy a new CD transport.
i currently have a Sony 608ESD which I have owned since new and still works perfectly.
i use it as a transport only with the digital out going into a Benchmark DAC3 and a Benchmark amp with Vandersteen 3’s upgraded to Signature. The Sony and CD’s are used for 97.5% of my listening.
Will I by buying a newer transport find an upgrade in sound or does using the digital out and bypassing ( at least that’s my understanding) any electronics that can affect the sound negate a newer transport sounding better?
Thinking of an Audiolab 6000DT as it fits into my possible budget.
Happy with my current sound quality, really like the Sony features as it is easy to program specific tracks etc but just wondering if there is an upgrade in sound available.
fyi. Not an over thinker or into tweaks and finite chasing of sound. Listen everyday and really enjoy quality sound but not wanting to obsess. Thanks in advance for your opinions.


Showing 1 response by jl35

you can buy the Audiolab on ebay from an authorized dealer with free return, so try one...nothing to lose, potentially lots to guess is that no one here has comapred the Audiolab vs the Sony, running into the Benchmark...while there is no agreement in these forums, many believe the transport can make a big difference...