Bryston SST, McCormack DNA, or Parasound Halo?

Hi everyone. I'm looking to step into speakers world from headphones world. The speakers will most likely be a pair of Usher BE-718. I'm considering Bryston 2B- and 3B-SST; Parasound Halo A-21 and A-23; or McCormack DNA-125 and 225. I'm not sure if I'll need more than the 100-125 watts the lower-rated amps in each line provide, but the better headphone amps are almost always over-built, so I thought maybe speaker amps are similar in that way.
BTW I'll use the Benchmark DAC1 USB to drive the power amp.

Showing 1 response by kartracer

I noticed this thread and, please don't take this as a shameless plug, I have a McCormack DNA-225 that's been sitting unused for a while (the upgraditis bug bit.) Just haven't gotten around to posting it here for sale. Email me for more info.
