Bryston monoblocks 7B ST replacement

Hi guys,
after 15 years of using these 7B ST monoblocks I recently started thinking about trying to use different monos.
Not interested in stereo amp, just monos again. From your experience, what monos would be significant upgrade?
Thinking about SS again, now using Vienna Acoustics Beethoven 4 Ohms towers. My budget is $4000USD for used pair. Any suggestion from previous 7B ST users is greatly appreciated.
@rohlim ,
To be honest, I have no experience with Bryston other than knowing it is a reputable brand.
I bought my Belles Aria monoblocks due to a demo of the Aria Integrated at Audioconnection. That little integrated amp really outperforms for it's price.
Knowing that the sound is clean and lively, I bought the monoblocks for my Vandy VLR's and find them a great fit. I am waiting for Mr. B. to finish upgrading
 myAria Preamp.
 As I wait, I am using an Atmasphere UV-1.

Looking at your Vienna Beethoven's, I see they probably need lots of 'oomph' in an amp.
The Belles should be fine for low to moderate/normal listening. Though if you are really cranking them up, I'd go with something like Ayre or Pass.
If you are lucky (like I was), you can score a used MX-R pair for $6.5K.
Thanks gdnrbob,
what have you found better in recommended Belles? Can you be more specific?
Belles Aria Monoblocks? $3K new
Ayre MX-R's, unfortunately more than $4K used, but would be my pick.