Bryston BDA-3.14?

Another relatively new, feature rich DAC that needs a thread.
This thing seems to be a digital Swiss Army Knife.
Priced within reason.

But, the big question for me at least, how does it sound?
None of the other stuff matters if it doesn’t sound superb.
Feedback from users would be much appreciated.



There were a few threads on this.  I gave up on the BDP 3 as a streamer for the reasons you cited.  It sounds great butI found it to be unusable.  The DAC is great

Using BDA 3.14 as a streamer. Here are my experiences.

1. Yes, the UI is outdated, but it is functional.

2. I do have the BDA 3.14 wired directly to my router. No WiFi.

3. The 'lost connection' happens if I switch the BDA 3.14 off/on and try to use the old browser session. Now, I always start a new session from 'My Bryston' after turning the BDA 3.14 on. And, I need to give the BDA 3.14 time to boot up. No problems with 'lost connection' any more.

4. IP address will change if you have the BDA 3.14 configured for DHCP. You can assign a static IP to remedy this.

5. Even with these limitations, the BDA 3.14 is my best sounding streamer.


I mean it sounded great but was such a PITA to use that it took most of the fun out of listening. I downsized to a Cambridge Audio CXN which added Chromecast and AirPay and podcast support and sounds maybe 96% as the BDP (I still use the Bryston DAC-3) and is about 5000 times more fun to use. I am glad that you are enjoying it but I got tired of trying to relax at home after work and having to sacrifice a goat or something on the Bryston Temple to see if I would be able to listen to music that day