Brown out

How bad is a brown-out on equipment?

For some reason I just had one that lasted about 4 seconds while all my equipment was on... Everything seems OK, but I'm wondering if it's something like I just lost 10 years of the life expectancy of all my equipment.
Differant manufactures recommend differant limits but the rule of thumb is no more than 10%. I do not allow more than 5% myself.

Djembeplay, this is the response I received from Furman.


This unit will not regulate the voltage but it will still protect from a surge.

Thank You

Rob Harris
Product Specialist
Direct: 707-766-2370
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Power Management Solutions

Subject: Furman - Elite 15PF - i - Power Conditioner


I own the Furman Elite 15PF and was just wondering about the effects of a brownout. Is the equipment conmnected to the Furman still protected as in a power surge?
Djembeplay I have the same model Furman as well and your question prompted me to email Furman regarding brownout protection. I think brownouts can wreak havoc on electrical motors, but I am not so sure about audio gear.
Anyway, I will post Furman's response, once I have it.
This isn't a consistent thing... in fact it's the first time it has happened here.

I do use a pretty nice power conditioner / surge protector - a Furman elite 15i. This doesn't have any protection against a brown-out though, does it? It has an automatic voltage shut-off when the power dips below about 85v... and I don't believe that this kicked the other night when the brown-out happened. My amp did go into 'protection mode' for a second though, so maybe the undervoltage protection kicked in...

How severe and for how long does a brown-out usually need to be for any damage to occur? What actually causes the damage?

Brown out are usually during the summer when power consumtion is at it highest. Do you use a heatpump for heat or are you using your a/c this time of year or another type of pump or motor in your house could be failing. Some of these will cause what you discribe at startup.
Might be the time to consider a surge protector, just in case something bigger than a brown out is on the horizon.
Most people have them now and then, right?

I don't understand how they could damage something... something to do with heat build-up?
Brown outs and power interruptions are a fact of life. Any designer of electronic equipment who makes something that would be damaged by such should be fired.