Brigid Monos or Mono Blocks?

What are the advantages or disadvantages of running two Stereo amps in Bridged mode vs running two mono amps from the same supplier. I have noticed some companies sell Stereo amps with the ability to run them in bridged mode and similar mono amps. Specs are similar and price is close as well. 


Showing 4 responses by jfrmusic


So am I interpreting your response correctly in that it would be better to use mono blocks rather than bridge two Stereo amps? SimAudio has a unusual way of  Bridging the 330A Stereo amp. They sell a XLR Y-daptor cable that on one end is two XLR connectors. One for each input channel and a single XLR on the other end to accept your source.


Thank you. If I decide on the SimAudio I’ll most likely get the two 400m mono blocks. 


Please give me your impressions of the M400s. Would love to have some first hand experience as to their SQ. 


Thanks. Just found out the M400s no longer in production. So the 330A bridged is the only way to get higher power for under $10k and with units weighing under 40 lbs.